A list of links to constructivist and useful sites

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Interesting Sites

Buddhist Meditation and Personal Construct Psychology
Buddhism and PCP, cohabiting in a way that is anything but improper.

This site is a bit like a sorting station and much of its richness it due to its PCP curator Joern Scheer. You can find very interesting news and initiatives such as l’e-journal – a visionary electronic magazine dedicated to PCP – and the ‘PCP encyclopaedia’ A good reference site worth visiting!

Repertory Grid Technique
Site of the Laboratory for Research in the Repertory Grid Tecnique devised by George Kelly. The Laboratory is directed by Richard Bell, University of Melbourne.

Centres of Training and Schools

PCP centres

Centre for PCP, London (UK)
The Centre was founded by Fay Fransella. The Centre is part of the School of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire. The Centre offers distance learning courses in personal construct psychology.

PCPA Personal Construct Psychology Association (PCPA), London (UK)
Association of professionals who works with the PCP in the area of psychotherapy, education and consulting organizations. PCPA offers different educational opportunities, including a course in Kellian psychotherapy. PCPA is a member of the European Constructivist Training Network (ECTN).

Scuola di Psicoterapia del Centro Studi in Psicoterapia Cognitiva (Cesipc), Florence
Site of Psychotherapy of the Cesipc of Florence, offers exclusively news related to the school and the courses. This school alternates between Kellian Courses and Cognitivist Courses.

Constructivist and Constructionist Centres

Dragonato centre Bellinzona (Switzerland)
Swiss clinical centre and school making reference to Christine Meier.

European Institute of Systemic Therapy (EIST), Milan
Site of the school founded and directed by Valeria Ugazio. Its approach is known as the Milan Approach. Informative site.

Istituto di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Cognitiva Post-Razionalista Rome
Official site of the school founded by Vittorio Guidano.

University Sites

Universitat Ramon Llull Barcelona (Spain)
Site for the Grup de Recerca sobre Constructivisme. Part of the site has courses on cognitive psychotherapy.

University of Hertfordshire (UK)
Site of the Department of Psychology.

University of Vienna
Site of the University of Vienna dedicated to radical constructivism. Reference site for the subject.

University of Wollongong, Departement of Psychology (Australia)
Site for Personal Construct Psychology Research Group. A simple but informative site.


In Italy

In prima persona
This site of “The Circle of Phenomenologists & Constructivists”, is well designed, easy to navigate and full of material, interviews and information. Particularly interesting link to \'Rubriche\'.

Italian Association of Interactive-Constructivist Psychology and Sociology
This is an interesting site of the Italian Association of Interactive-Constructivist Psychology and Sociology (AIPSIC). The novelty represented by the AIPSIC is the construction of a common space where psychologists, sociologists and experts of human sciences can promote a ‘renovation’ of their own subjects, in relation to the new and different demands made by the social world, following the post-modern perspective.

Oikos Association
Oikos association, that manages this site, is a voluntary lay organization founded in 1979, that is concerned with the social, scientific and environmental areas where the public administrations seem to miss. A large part of this site is dedicated to constructivism and its principal exponents.

Società Costruttivista Italiana (SCI) Padova
Italian association dedicated to promote and apply the Constructivist approach to different field.

The Italian Association of Costructivist Psychology & Psychotherapy (AIPPC)
L\'AIPPC is the first Italian association dedicated to constructivism in psychology and psychotherapy. More information about its activities can be found on the site.

In Europe

European Constructivist Training Network (ECTN)
Network for European Schools of Psychology and Psychotherapy devoted to PCP.

European Personal Construct Association (EPCA)
This is a part of a much bigger site of Joern Scheer, PCP-net (see below). The site presents the activities of EPCA and has photos of events and people.

Irish Constructivist Psychotherapy Association (Ireland)
Irish Constructivist Association.

Serbian Constructivist Association (SCA)(Serbia)
The first Serbian Association devoted exclusively to studyng constructivist theory and practice.

In the World

Australasian Personal Construct Group (APCG)(Australia)
Group, its members live in Australia and New Zealand, devoted to Personal Construct Psychology.

Constructivist Psychology Network (USA)
North American network of persons interested in constructivist approaches to psychology, relationships, and human change processes.

Society for Constructivism in the Human Sciences
This interesting site if full of references and reflections. The SCHS is an international association that is dedicated to encouraging and communicating (even through its journal) the development of the theory, and active in the research and practice of constructivism.

The Taos Institute
This is a landmark for a vast community of constructivists who refer to Kenneth Gergen. On this site you can find a diversity of information, bibliographies, a list of members, and it is full of photos and biographical notes.

Personal pages or writings

Dorothy Rowe
This site is a guide to the work of one of the most considered exponents of psychology who, among others, has contributed to the spread of PCP.

Ernst von Glasersfeld
Father of radical constructivism, Ernst von Glasersfeld is comprehensively presented. The pages are dedicated to this brilliant thinker making up part of a bigger site of OIKOS.

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