On Wednesday 8th May 2019 from 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the School of Institute of Constructivist Psychology, via Martiri della Libertà 13 – Padova, Italy Constructivist Talks 2019: the ICP's Students talk about... 
Maria Giulia Panetta will lead the free talk:

BUILDING AND CONSTRUING A WINNING TEAM: A constructivist approach to team building in rugby

Rugby is the sport that embodies the most the idea that "group" is not just equal to the sum of its components, but instead it’s an essential dimension in the player's experience.
Chances of winning increase when the knowledge of the game's technicalities and tactics meets the team players' ability to understand one another's point of view on the game actions during a match.
How can you build a winning team? This session will try to answer this question and provide a key of interpretation in order to understand the psychological and relational aspects that support the team both in training and in the match.

The admission is free but reservation is required. Please, contact us at +39 049 8751669 or

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